III. Hearing Team
The Nash Hearing Team attorneys have successfully represented clients at thousands of greater Chicago Metro area Social Security disability and SSI hearings. Nash Hearing attorneys appear day in and day out before the judges, testifying medical experts, and hearing office staff. They know the process, the people and will be passionate about your situation.
Prior to a hearing, your attorney will tell you what to expect and will help you prepare your testimony, obtain additional evidence, and sometimes create detailed memoranda for Social Security about your case.
You want an attorney at your hearing. Your hearing is held before an Administrative Law Judge or “ALJ.” The hearing may include a medical expert called by the ALJ to testify about your health and work-related problems.
The hearing may also include a “vocational expert” to testify regarding the existence of jobs that a claimant can perform despite his or her limitations, suggesting a denial of benefits.
At the hearing, your attorney will present your case for disability benefits, cite medical evidence and the law, help you present your personal testimony, cross-examine the medical and/or vocational experts, and work to persuade the ALJ to issue a favorable decision for you.
Every disability claimant is encouraged to exercise your right to an attorney, so contact us and let us handle your case. Having your lawyer at the hearing can make the difference between whether you win or lose.

IV. Benefits Team
The Nash Benefits Team knows that you can’t pay a stack of bills with a written decision – even a favorable decision! That’s why we work to ensure that Social Security makes a timely and accurate award of due benefits to our clients.
The Benefits Team will be happy to explain what a favorable decision means to you in terms of dates of entitlement, retroactive pay, and medical coverage.
Contact us, Chicago Social Security disability lawyers, to help with your disability claim!
Our Social Security disability attorney team structure – intake attorneys, case management attorneys, and hearing attorneys, by design — allows all of us to work together to provide the best service, advocacy and results to our clients.
As Tom Nash says, “Don’t get lost in the system. Get the money you’re entitled to.” We know that it is not just about your benefits, it is about your life.
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