How to Fill out Social Security Disability Forms

Do You Need Help with Social Security Disability Application Forms in Chicago, IL?

Your life could be so much calmer and steadier if you could get income assistance when you can’t work due to severe health problems.

Social Security Disability benefits provide monthly checks to help pay for your essential costs in exactly this situation.

But first you have to face down a series of long, complicated Social Security forms.

Most people are initially denied benefits, and if you don’t present your information and answer questions the right way on your forms, it could hurt your chances of winning this life-changing financial relief.

Experienced Nash Disability Law attorneys and staff can put your mind at ease, explain these Social Security forms in an easy-to-understand way, and make sure you’re putting forward your best possible case for benefits.

At Nash Disability Law, we work with these forms every day. We know what you should put on the forms—and what you can leave out.

To learn more about some of the specific forms you’ll see when you apply for disability benefits—and for tips on filling out Social Security Disability forms—keep reading below.

Our disability lawyers have helped thousands of people win benefits. In fact, we’ve helped more Chicago area people get benefits than any other firm.

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    What you need to qualify for benefits as a disabled adult child

    For DAC applicants, Social Security has certain qualifications covering your age, your marital status, your health and your parents’ situation:

    • You’re 18 or older.
    • You’re not married.
    • One of your parents paid enough Social Security taxes through work and is deceased, or now receives Social Security disability or retirement benefits.
    • You have medical condition(s) that have made it impossible for you to work since before age 22.


    Filling out SSD Forms

    Important Social Security Disability Forms that You Will See

    The Social Security Administration (SSA) has forms covering your health problems, your work history, and every step in the process of applying for disability benefits or appealing a denial of disability benefits.

    These are some of the key forms you will likely see as you pursue your Social Security Disability claim:

    • Function Report – Adult (Form SSA-3373): This form covers how you function on a daily basis with your medical conditions.
    • Work History Report (Form SSA-3369-BK): This form asks for 15 years of details on your past jobs and the demands of those jobs, in light of the impairments you now experience.
    • Disability Report – Adult (Form SSA-3368-BK): This is one of the forms that starts your Social Security Disability claim.
    • Disability Report – Appeal (Form SSA-3441-BK): When you’ve already applied for disability benefits and you’ve gotten a notice of denial, this form lets you start the process of appealing the denial.
    • Claimants’ Recent Medical Treatment – (Form HA-4631): While you’re appealing your denial, this form lets you update Social Security on more medical treatment you’ve received.

    If you’re not sure how to move forward with your Social Security Disability claim, you can get help from someone with experience in this process.

    It doesn’t cost you anything to call Nash Disability Law for an initial review of your case.

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    How does Nash Disability Law help you?

    We see people make mistakes in Social Security Disability applications and appeals all the time.

    When you’re filling out Social Security Disability forms, keep all of this in mind:

    • Answer the questions completely and thoroughly.
    • Don’t hold back about the hardships your health problems are causing you.
    • Make sure the information you put down is correct.
    • Don’t exaggerate your situation.
    • Take your time filling out the forms and reviewing your answers.
    • Submit your forms in a timely way. To start an appeal, for example, you must file your appeal forms within 60 days after you received the notice of your denial.

    Another way to make sure you’ve completed all your forms right—and to feel confident about it—is to work with an experienced disability lawyer.

    The Chicago area attorneys at Nash Disability Law can answer your questions, and relieve the burden on you.

    Your health problems are already robbing your energy. You can’t work. But getting disability benefits can seem like a job in itself.

    You don’t need to deal with a lot of paperwork—you need benefits, financial stability and a sense of peace back in your life.

    Let us help you.

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