When you can’t work because of a disabling condition, you’re tired. You’re tired of trips to the doctor. You’re tired of endless paperwork from insurance. And you’re tired of the daily toll your disability takes on your day-to-day life. It’s hard to find the energy to get the disability benefits that you need to survive. But there is hope.
Our Advocates Are Here To Help You
At Nash Disability Law, we are focused on getting to know you and your specific needs. Our team of advocates has the experience of over three decades and thousands of cases to help you qualify, apply, and appeal your disability claim. On behalf of each client, our advocates will work to monitor your claim status, file appeals, obtain medical records, submit evidence and arguments, and execute the strategy for getting your claim approved.
Do You Need a Disability Advocate?
There’s no reason for you to go it alone. In 2001, 64% of claimants with advocates successfully received benefits, while only 40% of claimants without advocates were successful. Our advocates know the system at both the local and federal levels, and they’ll get the right piece of evidence, at the right time, to the right person, in the right way to successfully get you the benefits you deserve.
Our advocates are dedicated to your case. We’ll help you with every stage of the process.
- We consider information about your health problems and how they affect your ability to work.
- We know that everyone has a unique story to tell, so we carefully listen to the details you share.
- We recognize that this may be your first time contacting a lawyer, so we caringly take time to understand your situation.
- We realize the decision to pursue disability benefits can be scary, so we try to explain the process in plain terms.