Pardon the intrusion, but I am respectfully asking for your help here in fighting against the injustice and downright cruelty of the American Health Care Act (Trumpcare) now up for a vote in the Senate. After 40 years of talking to people about their health care, their access to it, their results, what has worked,
Insight from Tom Nash (His views do not necessarily represent those of others at the firm.) Some words about the health care issue in America. A great American patriot said our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. Any marketing expert would tell me that with a business with
Here’s some good news. Everyone covered under Medicare Part B is eligible for a free annual wellness checkup conducted by a doctor or another health care professional. Medicare & You 2017, the official Medicare handbook, says that “Medicare covers two types of exams — one when you’re new to Medicare and one each year after
During this year’s often bitter presidential campaign, Candidate Donald Trump was sharply critical of the Affordable Care Act (popularly referred to as Obamacare). He vowed that, if elected, repealing and replacing the ACA would happen on “day one of the Trump administration.” But now, what can we expect from President-elect Donald Trump? Repealing Obamacare is