If you are a Chicago-area resident who has had your Illinois driver’s license suspended or revoked, and are in need of legal assistance, you should consider attending a unique Driver’s License Expo on January 29th at Malcolm X College. The Chicago Bar Association is partnering with the Pilsen Neighbors Council and Malcolm X College to offer legal assistance to individuals who have had their licenses revoked or suspended for violations such as failing to pay court fees, too many unpaid parking tickets, driving without insurance, failing to submit a vehicle for emissions testing, failing to pay child support, or driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
Most participants will be counseled by volunteer, experienced attorneys regarding what they need to do to clear their driving records and get a valid Illinois driver’s license. Additionally, individuals with moving violation tickets up to seven years old may be able have their cases actually heard by a judge during the Expo.*
Also partnering in the Expo is the Cook County Public Defender’s Office, the Circuit Court of Cook County, the Illinois Secretary of State’s Office, the Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office, and the Clerk of the Circuit Court’s Office.
The 6th Annual Driver’s License Reinstatement Expo will be held on Saturday, January 29, at Malcolm X College, 1900 W. Jackson Boulevard. You must register in advance to attend the event. To register go to https://pilsenneighbors.org/dlre/.
“Having a valid driver’s license or government-issued identification card is crucial in obtaining employment and functioning as a productive member of our communities,” said Maryam Ahmad, Immediate Past President of the Chicago Bar Association. “We are thrilled to bring these resources to our communities to help residents navigate the often complicated process of obtaining valid driving privileges and staying out of the criminal justice system.”
The Pilsen Neighbors Community Council serves as a voice in the Pilsen community, advocating for social justice, education reform, healthcare, immigration reform, and civic engagement.
*Please note that your registration does not guarantee participation in court. There will be a follow up e-mail notifying whether or not you qualify to participate in court. NO cases with warrants will qualify for court. NO cases with private attorneys will qualify for court. Court is limited to Cook County cases less than 10 years old.