“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” That quote from Maya Angelou resonates deeply with Ebonie Burt. She lives by that philosophy every day in her work as a case manager for Nash Disability Law. “What I like best about helping my clients is that I get to give them some sense of hope in their hard times,” she says proudly. “I want my clients to feel like they have someone working hard to make sure they receive everything they deserve.”
Ebonie explains that she has two principal functions at Nash—she assists Nash clients with any questions they may have and keeps them updated on their case, and she communicates with Social Security to insure the agency has received and is reviewing critically important medical evidence. Ebonie joined the Nash team last August, but is well-seasoned in Social Security disability case management. She previously held a similar position with another disability law firm.
In her free time, Ms. Burt enjoys spending time with her friends and family. “Usually I cook dinner and entertain guests at my house with games and karaoke.” But before you get into a karaoke duel with Ebonie, be forewarned, she is very musical. Not only does she sing, but she also writes and records her own music. She admits that she’s not a big sports fan, but her favorite sport is hockey. “Something about hockey is intriguing,” she explains with a smile.
Born and raised in Chicago, Ebonie’s family is originally from Birmingham, Alabama. “I still have family in Birmingham, some are in Georgia, and I try my best to travel to visit them as much as I can,” she says.
When you ask Ebonie what she is most passionate about, she enthusiastically answers, “I’m just passionate about life in general. I believe in living life to the fullest.”