A spotlight on one of the professional team members who works for you at Nash Disability Law
Because our hobbies reflect our personalities, it is no surprise that their influences can often spill over into our work lives. Take Sean Freund, for example. One of his hobbies (among many others) is tabletop war gaming. “I believe that my understanding of the rules of tabletop games helps me understand Social Security law and my competitive nature helps me advocate for our clients,” Sean says. “You gotta win and you can’t be wrong if you’re going to win.”
As the Financial Team Manager at Nash Disability Law for more than five years, Sean bird dogs the Social Security Administration to be sure our clients receive their disability payments. It takes a lot of phone work and unflagging determination to make sure everybody is doing everything they can to help our clients.
Sean will tell you, “The most rewarding conversation for me is not just helping a disabled person understand their benefits, but talking to the parent of a disabled client and explaining to them that their child is going to have some financial security even when they pass away, particularly if the client is eligible for Disabled Adult Child benefits. I find parents like to hear that their Social Security will go to their child, who, if disabled, needs it most.”
Above all Sean values critical thinking, being skeptical and being guided by a moral compass of what you know, not just what you feel. “I have a strong sense of what is right and what is wrong and it bothers me when good people suffer. (I once helped a woman who was being sexually harassed by a man and his friend. I nearly got my butt kicked,” Sean says with a wry smile. “But it was the right thing to do.) In a way, overcoming obstacles and opening up a path for people to get their benefits helps right a wrong, so that is satisfying.”
As for his many other interests, Sean reveals, “I’m into gaming, movies and electronics. I went to film school and I am a computer geek, so keeping my home PC up to spec is a bit of a hobby.
This has bled over to work and I’ve found that I am asked about various computer-related issues with some frequency.” But whether he’s pursuing his hobbies or his work, Sean Freund, is talented and also tenacious. He never strays far from the advice of Langston Hughes, an American poet, novelist and social activist he admires: “The only way to get a thing done is to start to do it, then keep on doing it, and finally you’ll finish it.”